Homework Grids

Welcome to our homework grids. Children in all year groups from Reception to Y6 will receive a half termly grid with a range of exciting topic activities to complete alongside key skills tasks. Please see the letter and 'How To' guide, below for a full explanation of how these work.

Copies of the grids can be found here too.


Great examples of homework tasks will be celebrated in assemblies and displayed in school. You can also see examples on the Homework Heroes tab accessed via Homework Grids to the left of this page.


For those children and families who produce homework digitally, we have a dedicated email address to which you can send photos, videos powerpoints etc. Work will be forwarded to the relevant teachers.



How to use the homework grids:

-Each grid lasts for a half term

-New grids will be issued each half term

-Children will need to complete one piece of topic / project homework per week (left hand side of the grid)

-Children will need to practise the key spellings & key maths facts (right hand side of the grid)

-Children can choose up to 2  topic / project based tasks from any one area such as maths & problem solving or RE, per half term (to avoid children only ever completing topic activities from the RE section, for example, up to 2 tasks can be selected from any one area)

-Children will need to decide how they would like to practise their key spellings and key maths facts. (each grid will give suggestions of how to do this. Websites, apps and ideas will be given. However parents need to support their children in finding the best ways to secure these facts. We hope this is something you can do together.)

-Children will need to submit their homework on Wednesdays (this will consist of one topic task and evidence of key spelling & maths facts practice).


All homework will be acknowledged by the class teacher and or teaching assistant. This may be verbally, a written comment, remark or sticker.  Please don't feel work has not been appreciated or noticed if comments are not written; we always look at everything that is sent in. Extra special pieces of homework may earn a homework hero certificate too! 

Copies of the grids can be found below.

Homework Grids Spring 2

Year 1 Spring 2.docx .docx
Year 4 Spring 2.docx .docx
Year 6 Spring 2.docx .docx
Year 3 Spring 2.docx .docx
Year 2 Spring 2.docx .docx
Year 5 Spring 2.docx .docx

Homework Grids Spring 1

Year 2 spring 1.docx .docx
Year 4 Spring 1.docx .docx
Year 3 Spring 1.docx .docx
Year 5 Spring 1.docx .docx
Year 1 Spring 1.docx .docx
Year 6 Spring 1.docx .docx

Homework Grids Autumn 2

Year 1 Autumn 2.docx .docx
Year 2 autumn 2.docx .docx
Year 3 autumn 2.docx .docx
Year 4 autumn 2.docx .docx
Year 5 Autumn 2.docx .docx
Year 6 autumn 2.docx .docx

Homework Grids Autumn 1 2024

Year 1 Autumn 1.docx .docx
Year 2 Autumn 1.docx .docx
Year 3 Autumn 1.docx .docx
Year 4 Autumn 1.docx .docx
year 5 Autumn 1.docx .docx
Year 6 Autumn 1.docx .docx