This Term we have been learning about The Tudors.  We had a day where we came dressed up and took part in a variety of different Tudor based activities.  Here are some photos.

Year 6CS


Year 6 SATs information presentation

SATS presentation y 6 Website.pdf .pdf

This Term we have been learning about The Tudors.  We had a day where we came dressed up and took part in a variety of different Tudor based activities.  Here are some photos.

Year 6CS


Year 6 SATs information presentation

SATS presentation y 6 Website.pdf .pdf

This Term we have been learning about The Tudors.  We had a day where we came dressed up and took part in a variety of different Tudor based activities.  Here are some photos.

Year 6CS


Year 6 SATs information presentation

SATS presentation y 6 Website.pdf .pdf

This Term we have been learning about The Tudors.  We had a day where we came dressed up and took part in a variety of different Tudor based activities.  Here are some photos.

Year 6CS


Year 6 SATs information presentation

SATS presentation y 6 Website.pdf .pdf