
An overview of our Art & Design Curriculum can be found below:

Curriculum Overview Art.pdf .pdf
Downfield Art Policy 202425.doc .doc

Art at Downfield

Art at Downfield is taught through topics. Year on year, artistic skills progress and the knowledge of artists accumulates. Children learn to interpret art and use their artists to inspire their own work. Children then use this to develop  their own artistic licences.

Children predominantly work in sketchbooks for drawing, practising skills, designing and evaluating their work.

Learning journeys on slides show the progression from the previous years and how this feeds in to what they are covering in their current year.


Art according to our children - Pupil Voice

Reception children:

"Making a picture and putting it on the wall." 

"Drawing rainbows!"


Year 2 child:

" When you create something special to you."


Year 3 child:

"Something from your imagination in pictures."


Year 4 child:

"It's a way of saying how you feel."


 Year 5 child:

"It's when you use artists to create something of your own."


Year 6 child:

"It's a place when you can be calm and use your imagination."

Art displays around school