Year 6 SATs information presentation

SATS presentation y 6 Website.pdf .pdf

Year 6H

Dear Parents and Carers


Just an update on all of the fun things we have been doing this half term!


So far this term we have:

Learned about the Tudors and Henry the VIII and his wives

Designed, planned and made a cross stitch of the Tudor rose and made a frame for it

Drew and painted one of the Tudors

Learned all about Shakespeare and wrote a report on him

Learned about one of Shakespeare's plays - Macbeth.

We are finishing off the half term with RE week which we will visit the church for Harvest - We hope to see you there.

Year 6 SATs information presentation

SATS presentation y 6 Website.pdf .pdf

Year 6H

Dear Parents and Carers


Just an update on all of the fun things we have been doing this half term!


So far this term we have:

Learned about the Tudors and Henry the VIII and his wives

Designed, planned and made a cross stitch of the Tudor rose and made a frame for it

Drew and painted one of the Tudors

Learned all about Shakespeare and wrote a report on him

Learned about one of Shakespeare's plays - Macbeth.

We are finishing off the half term with RE week which we will visit the church for Harvest - We hope to see you there.

Year 6 SATs information presentation

SATS presentation y 6 Website.pdf .pdf

Year 6H

Dear Parents and Carers


Just an update on all of the fun things we have been doing this half term!


So far this term we have:

Learned about the Tudors and Henry the VIII and his wives

Designed, planned and made a cross stitch of the Tudor rose and made a frame for it

Drew and painted one of the Tudors

Learned all about Shakespeare and wrote a report on him

Learned about one of Shakespeare's plays - Macbeth.

We are finishing off the half term with RE week which we will visit the church for Harvest - We hope to see you there.

Year 6 SATs information presentation

SATS presentation y 6 Website.pdf .pdf

Year 6H

Dear Parents and Carers


Just an update on all of the fun things we have been doing this half term!


So far this term we have:

Learned about the Tudors and Henry the VIII and his wives

Designed, planned and made a cross stitch of the Tudor rose and made a frame for it

Drew and painted one of the Tudors

Learned all about Shakespeare and wrote a report on him

Learned about one of Shakespeare's plays - Macbeth.

We are finishing off the half term with RE week which we will visit the church for Harvest - We hope to see you there.

Year 6 SATs information presentation

SATS presentation y 6 Website.pdf .pdf

Year 6H

Dear Parents and Carers


Just an update on all of the fun things we have been doing this half term!


So far this term we have:

Learned about the Tudors and Henry the VIII and his wives

Designed, planned and made a cross stitch of the Tudor rose and made a frame for it

Drew and painted one of the Tudors

Learned all about Shakespeare and wrote a report on him

Learned about one of Shakespeare's plays - Macbeth.

We are finishing off the half term with RE week which we will visit the church for Harvest - We hope to see you there.