Year 5V


The year 5 team would like to welcome the children back to school and to their new year.


Well done, year 5 for having the best attendance in the whole school this week (98%).



In science, we learnt about pulleys and created our own with a partner.


Our class library

We are incredibly lucky to have a fully stocked classroom library with lots of variety for every interest.

We love reading in year 5 and encourage children to help themselves to books from here to take home and enjoy, either by themselves or with their adults.

Year 5V


The year 5 team would like to welcome the children back to school and to their new year.


Well done, year 5 for having the best attendance in the whole school this week (98%).



In science, we learnt about pulleys and created our own with a partner.


Our class library

We are incredibly lucky to have a fully stocked classroom library with lots of variety for every interest.

We love reading in year 5 and encourage children to help themselves to books from here to take home and enjoy, either by themselves or with their adults.

Year 5V


The year 5 team would like to welcome the children back to school and to their new year.


Well done, year 5 for having the best attendance in the whole school this week (98%).



In science, we learnt about pulleys and created our own with a partner.


Our class library

We are incredibly lucky to have a fully stocked classroom library with lots of variety for every interest.

We love reading in year 5 and encourage children to help themselves to books from here to take home and enjoy, either by themselves or with their adults.

Year 5V


The year 5 team would like to welcome the children back to school and to their new year.


Well done, year 5 for having the best attendance in the whole school this week (98%).



In science, we learnt about pulleys and created our own with a partner.


Our class library

We are incredibly lucky to have a fully stocked classroom library with lots of variety for every interest.

We love reading in year 5 and encourage children to help themselves to books from here to take home and enjoy, either by themselves or with their adults.